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Providing full boarding and care to more than 220 children in Kenya

Makarios Children’s Home

In 2012, we constructed new facilities at the Makarios Orphanage in Nyeri, which now accommodates over 220 children from very challenging backgrounds—abused, imprisoned, many HIV-positive or afflicted with AIDS. Constructing new dormitories, a dining hall, and a kitchen was literally a matter of life and death. The construction cost exceeded 400,000 euros, funded through donations and sponsorships.

Sophia took the Makarios Children’s Home under its guardianship, and since then, we have been responsible for the home and the well-being of the children, providing them with full board, clothing, healthcare, recreation, and education.

After primary school, we ensure the children are enrolled in boarding schools for secondary education, giving them the chance to socialize with children outside the Home.

Upon completing secondary school, all children proceed to colleges, polytechnics, or even universities. As young adults, they are prepared to move forward and harbor hope for a better future. They officially leave our guardianship after completing their studies and securing a job, becoming independent citizens.

In 2022, we installed solar heaters in all our buildings—a project led by the movement “Empowering Their Dreams.” That same year, with assistance from SIGG Switzerland, we revived the Home’s borehole, enabling us to plant more fruit trees and vegetables. Mangoes, avocados, bananas, tree tomatoes, passion fruits, spinach, kale, lettuce, and other vegetables are now included in the children’s daily diet.