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Sophia ensures that children and communities in Kenya have access to clean water

Providing clean water

Living conditions in Kenya are extremely difficult in most areas and often great distances have to be travelled in order to get water. We provide water and water containers in the schools we support, both for drinking and for washing hands as well as for taking water at home. At the Makarios Primary school we have recently built a water fountain with sixteen taps.

With the help and support of SIGG Switzerland we revived a borehole at the Makarios Children’s Home, powered by solar energy, a project which provides water for the newly planted fruit trees and the vegetable garden.

In the Turkana desert, access to water is most important for the survival of both humans and animals. We have constructed and maintain a borehole for the school children in Karoge as well as the surrounding communities and their livestock while we also maintain a borehole in the community of Lopwala. We also provide water for the school tanks in all communities we support.