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Our story starts in 2008 when the first volunteers went to Kenya


Sophia For Children was registered as a non-profit NGO by Cypriot volunteers, with a mission to changing for the better the lives of children in need.

Sophia For Children is a non-profit organisation, recognised as charitable for the purposes of section 9(1)(f) of the Income Tax Law of 2022, as amended, by virtue of which donations are considered deductible expenses in accordance with the applicable law.

Our activities since the beginning have concentrated on children in Kenya and in Cyprus since 2013. Our operations focus on providing security and safety, board and shelter, healthcare, education and recreation to children in areas plagued by poverty and famine.

Our organization is funded by donations, sponsorships and funds raised from special programmes, activities and charity events.


  • Three Sophia volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • The plans for the Makarios orphanage new building were finalised with our volunteer Christos Tsentas taking on the role of Project Manager. He teams up with Board member and volunteer Anna Iacovou, as well as Nicos Pattichis and following a tender process the project is awarded to a local building contractor. The architectural office of A.F Modinos and S.A. Vrahimis prepared the plans for this new building. A grant by the ministry of foreign affairs was donated for this purpose.
  • Running for Water! The SIGG Switzerland team of volunteers participated in the Sparkasse 3 Country Marathon and fundraised for the second year in a row, in support of Sophia and the Makarios Children’s Home.
  • Little Mercy (6 years old) from our orphanage in Kenya and suffering from severe hearing loss, was flown to Cyprus for one month to undergo specialist medical examinations at the Otolaryngology Clinic of the Nicosia General Hospital. This effort paid off, with Mercy’s hearing having improved significantly since.
  • We celebrated 10 years of the I Cook and I Offer programme for our children in Cyprus with a special ceremony at the Presidential Palace, where the President of the Republic of Cyprus presented awards to our sponsors.
  • Galatia Pamboridis joins our volunteer team for the last mission of the year. Galatia baked different sweets and cakes with the help of the older children of the Makarios Children’s Home. All the children tasted the different sweets while also learning the art of baking. Through Galatia’s involvement, Sophia for Children received social media attention, leading to additional supporters.


  • Three Sophia volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • Four day fundraising hike titled “Empowering their Dreams” for the installation of solar panels at the Makarios Orphanage.
  • Running for Water! A team from SIGG Switzerland participated in the Sparkasse 3 Country Marathon and fundraised in support of Sophia and the Makarios Children’s Home.


  • No volunteer missions in Kenya were possible due to the pandemic.
  • Providing food to the families of children during lock downs in Cyprus and Kenya.
  • The Makarios Primary school building in Nyeri is completed through fundraising events of the volunteer movement Running/Walking for their Dreams.


  • Sophia volunteer mission in Kenya just before the covid-19 lockdowns.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • Providing food to the families of children during lock downs in Cyprus and Kenya.
  • Christina Peletie runs a solitary marathon in Nicosia during lockdown as part of the Running for their Dreams movement and fundraises for the Makarios Primary School in Kenya.
  • Giraffes for Hope, fundraising Art project and event.


  • Three Sophia volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • Running/Walking for their Dreams Fundraising movement. Helena Kapakiotis participates in the Athens marathon and fundraises for the new classrooms of the Makarios Primary School in Kenya.
  • 100 hearts with Love, Fundraising art project organized by Partners and Phileleftheros Group at the Leventio museum.
  • Commencement of collaboration with SIGG Switzerland and SIGG Cyprus in support of the clean water projects in Kenya.


  • Three Sophia volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • Let’s Hippo, Fundraising event at the Presidential Palace.
  • Sophia moves to its first offices at Annis Komninis 31, 1061 Nicosia.
  • ​”Green Room”, Photo Exhibition, organized by the  Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Gasteig München GmbH and in Berlin.


  • Three Sophia volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • The renowned Greek singer Alkistis Protopsalti visits Kenya.
  • Journey of Hope – volunteer fundraising expedition to Mount Kenya.
  • CyBC covers our projects in Kenya, publishes a documentary.
  • Fundraising photo exhibition at the Almyra Hotel with photographs donated by Cypriot Artists.


  • Three Sophia volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • My Doll Story – a fundraising art project organised by Partners involving 270 dolls from Kenya transformed by artists.



  • Three Sophia volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Bank of Cyprus pledge of EUR 1,000,000 in support of the Sophia programme I Cook and I Offer in Cyprus all day schools.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.


  • Three volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • Euronews International distinction for the Sophia ‘Just Care’ short film for ‘One minute of Responsibility’ programme.
  • Launch of the fundraising programme ‘Food For Food’.
  • Launch of I Cook and I Offer programme in all-day primary and nursery schools in Cyprus.
  • “The arrow of Hope” an exhibition and auction at the Omikron Gallery, organised by Myrna Pattichi and Phileleftheros group. 200 personalities and artists from Cyprus and Greece, created their own pashminas. All proceeds went to Sophia in aid of the programme I Cook and I Offer.


  • Three volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • Construction of a mechanical water well in the Turkana desert.
  • Fundraising Art Project with title “A bag-a child-a life” at Omikron Gallery, by Myrna Pattichis and Phileleftheros group.
  • Completion of the new buildings at the Makarios Children’s Home.
  • Event honoring the main sponsors who contributed to the construction of the new buildings at Makarios Children’s Home and the sponsors of the I Adopt a Child programme at the Cyprus Expo. The new documentary “Imagine” was launched.


  • Two volunteer missions to the Turkana desert giving out humanitarian food relief.
  • Medical mission in collaboration with MCC in Kenya.
  • Award Ceremony by the University of Cyprus. Sophia for Children received the award for ‘Major contribution to Society and Culture’.
  • ‘Just Care’ awareness presentations in schools in Cyprus.
  • Beginning of the construction of the new buildings at the Makarios Children’s Home.
  • The world famous singer Anna Vissi visits Kenya with Sophia volunteers.
  • Anna Vissi concert in aid of Sophia.


  • Four volunteer missions in Kenya, including the first Dental Mission.
  • Feeding and medical programmes begin in Western Kenya. Five schools are included in the I Adopt a Child programme.
  • Collaboration with the Dutch Organisation Medical Checks for Children – MCC. MCC has been visiting Kenya for medical checks every year since then.
  • Fundraising Event at Omigron Gallery including a photographic exhibition by Marina Shacola and Andreas Vassiliou, and sale of photographs, Kenyan artifacts and handicrafts, inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Cyprus.


  • Two volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • “Just Care” film is created for raising awareness.
  • I Adopt a Child programme officially begins.
  • Presentation of the book “Just care- Africa” featuring photographs of Marina Shacola and Andreas Vassiliou, for the sponsors and friends of Sophia at the Bank of Cyprus.
  • Photo exhibition “Just care”, by Marina Shacola and Andreas Vassiliou, and screening of the documentary “Just care” at the Budapest City Hall.
  • Photo Exhibition and screening of the documentary “Just Care”, at the European Parliament in Brussels.


  • Two volunteer missions in Kenya.
  • Feeding and medical programmes begin in Makarios Primary school and St George school in Kibera, Nairobi.