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Sophia focuses on children in Cyprus and Kenya and strives to eliminate hunger and its consequences through its feeding programmes

I Cook and I Offer programme in Cyprus

The I Cook and I Offer programme provides lunch to all children in all-day primary and nursery schools targeting schools in economically vulnerable communities. A healthy meal, designed by nutritionists and approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, ensures that the children are given a well-balanced meal. Sophia establishes and equips a kitchen in each supported school, with meals prepared by our employed cooks, who are often mothers of attending children. Our programme guarantees inclusive participation in the feeding scheme, allowing all children to enjoy a healthy lunch without discrimination and continue with their afternoon school activities.

Our programme is currently implemented in 18 primary and 10 nursery schools all over Cyprus. You can support our programme in Cyprus by donating here.

Our I Cook and I Offer programme would not be possible without the support of the sponsors who contribute to the programme for each of the schools participating.

10 years I Cook and I Offer


In Kenya, now more than ever, children suffer and perish every day due to the lack of access to food caused by the world economic crisis and climate change. The I Adopt a Child programme aims to provide food on a daily basis to children in schools.  Every morning breakfast will be served and then lunch at noon. Most of the times this is the only food children will have due to extreme poverty at home. This is why in most schools we continue the feeding programme even during weekends and school holidays.

In the Turkana desert, due to the humanitarian crisis, the severe long drought and the extreme phenomena caused by climate change, we provide food aid every year.

We are currently supporting children in 9 schools in Kenya.


Meals served daily in Cyprus


Meals served daily in Kenya