By June 19, 2014Sophia Foundation

Sophia Foundation for Children for the last 5 years with your help struggles and stands by the children who suffer from the economic crisis, poverty, violence and disease.
Amongst others, child marriage is the cause of suffering for many girls mainly in Africa. UNICEF’S recent data on this issue are shocking! One in three girls in Africa marry before the age of 18. We encountered quite a few of them even under the age of 11! And out of these, many o are abandoned after they are ‘legally’ raped. ‘Sophia’ stands by them and concentrates its efforts to protect, educate and give them the chance to live with dignity and prospect for the future.
Judy is one of them and we are proud of her!

Join our efforts to save girls like Judy. You can donate now through
our website and give children the right of freedom, education and hope.